Monday 9 July 2012

this morning at 8am to 9am we went too classroom upstairs with matt and he went over the wall cladding.
- wall cladding provide a key defence against water entry.
- aided by wind pressure water will penetrate any gaps in the wall.
- water can be very destructive to any construction.
-water in a wall can lead to corrosion and decay and can reduce insulation values.
-there are several ways water can get into a wall
=wind driven- kinetic energy
=capillary action- water gets sucked up
=kinetic energy
=surface tension
picture of a bad weather board
-there are four basic rules to weather proofing a building, they are known as four Ds:

*Absorbent mass
*ventilated cavity

-Absorbent mass
=clay/concrete tile roofs
=natural roofing -tucten
=profiled metal      =cement board
=membraine         =painted weatherboards

an absorbent mass *allows some of the water to be absorbed, the remainer drains down the face of the wall.
an absorbent mass

A ventilated cavity* allows the water that penetrates the cladding to drain down the inner face of the outer skin.
a ventilated cavity

a cladding* without a cavity relies on most of water being shed down the face of the wall.

a waterproof* wall wrap acts as a second line of defence against water ingress.(water entry).

claddings and flashings must comply with E2.*AS1.

building act pairmid
then at 9am we done the outrigger for the last corner of the house til 10am, then for the rest of the day me tk and philip started doing the weatherboards

weather boards


photo of the outrigger

the calculations for the outrigger was length=787mm top height=222mm
at 15.8 degrees

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