Tuesday 31 July 2012

at 8am we we too eshed with too pick up computers then went too the classroom upstair and he gave us a little introduction on alternative roof cladding.
like - clay tiled roofs
       - concrete tiled roofs
       - skylights
       -membraine roofs
       -pressed metal tiled roofs
and that the facia has too be level with the overhang for a clay roof and the same for the concrete roofing.

websites to google search to find information for the following roofs google: manufacture instructions:

-monier tiles
-gerard roofs.co.nz
that took til like 9am then we went back too eshed and done more computer work and i done the scaffolding assessment then at 9.30 we went too the workshop and matt explain too us to what we were going to do today we blit in 2 groups 1 group done the window flashings and group 2 which i was  in was doing the roofing so we got the sheet from outside and took them inside in a stack.
til 10am then we had a smoko break then after 10.20am we started doing the roofing til 12pm then had lunch break til 1pm then went back to the workshop and done more roofing til 3pm then had last break then at 3.20pm we done blogging and more assessments work til 4pm then done a quick clean up til 4.30pm then home.
the roof before we started doing the roof cladding

picture of 1 sheet

sheet on top of paper

we put down 3 sheet underneath paper

same as above

5 sheets down

stevo bolting down the sheets

same as above

eru bout too put the 8th sheet up and tackie bolting down the sheets

done sheets and all bolted down

picture shows the bolted down sheets

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