Thursday 28 June 2012

at 8am we went too classroom with matt he went over the calculations with us til 9.30am then we went too eshed and we started putting the netting on the roof and other put on the boards on the eves til 10am then we had smoko til 10.20am then we went back too the eshed and done some work on blogging and assessments for bout 30mins and then we went too workshop and carried on doing the netting for the roof til 12pm then we had lunch break til 1pm then we went back too eshed and done more of the netting til 3.15pm. we finished for the day at 3.15pm.
a pic of the house on what it looks like now

bottom of the roof

side view of the house

front view of the house

the house roof

side view of the house roof

fixings of trusses plan

calculations of the fixings of the trusses

more roof pics
us putting the netting on for the roof

more roof pics

first side of the roof netting been put on

same picture

me and matt and haydn putting the netting down

same as the above

done both sides of the roof netting

this morning at 8am til 9.15am we went too the classroom and done some iron calculations and other type of calculations with matt he showed us how too work out the measurements for the roofing on the house.

the calculations



more calculations

then at 9.15am we went too the eshed and went and finished our gable group exercise and mark marked us passed so we had too dismantle it and put the timber where we got it from.

then after that cam asked me and justin to finish putting on the hardwares under the subfloor. then at 10am we had smoko break til 10.20am.
then we went back too eshed and went too workshop and i carried on with doing the hardwares.
once i finished that i made a start in finishing my dovetail assessment.


almost done dovetail

then at 12pm we had lunch break til 1pm then we come back too eshed and started  doing  some  assessments and i did the first part of the roof structure assessment til 3pm then had last smoko break til 3.20 and then we went too workshop and i finished the dovetail assessment til 4.30pm.

Sunday 24 June 2012

this morning at 9am we went too classroom and mark went over roof framing members and then at 10am we had break til 10.20am and then we went too the eshed and started doing the ranking top plate for the gable roof group exercise then at 12 til 1pm we had lunch then come back to the eshed and carried on doing the gable roof group exercise til 3pm then done blogs and assessments for roof framing.

gable group roof exercise

gable group roof exercise

gable group roof exercise

Monday 18 June 2012

today at 9am we went too classroom and mark went over the roof labeling.
the roof framing members are:
Purlins -hip purlins                                                  Valley rafter/trays
Under purlin strut                                                   Collar tie
Cripple hip                                                             Jack rafters
Hip rafter                                                               Common rafter
Strutting beam                                                        Struts
Outridger                                                               Short hip
Ceiling joists                                                          Star rafter (same length as a Common rafter)
Ridge board                                                          Dragon ties
Cleat                                                                     Strong back
Birds mouth/plumb cut                                           Load bearing walls
Seat cut.

Minimum trim length for a man hole is 500 to 600 minimum.

mark also gave us a rough sketch of the roof plan view.

this is the plan view and labels of roof frame members

then mark got us too too do a quick sketch of a oblique 3D drawing of the plan view and label the roof frame members.

this is the sketch of the roof frame man hole.

then after that we had a break at 10am, til 10.20am and went back too eshed and started doing some roof frames eves framing.

just turned eves frames onto legs and started cutting and setting up rafters.

we were getting ready to put together the rafters with bird mouths onto ridge boards.

almost finished eves roof frame

this is calculations of the roof and trusses and roof frames

more calculations

more calculations

more calculations
picture of the faming
intro of assessment

diagram of the roof frame eves
plan view

assessment calculations

at 12pm til 1pm we had lunch break and after that we carried on with eves frames till 3pm then had last break til 3.20pm and then went back too workshop and did a quick clean up then we started doing the daily blogs bit i made a start on the roof structure assessment done the quiz questions, first task for the apprentice diarys and also done tasks analysis. till 4.30pm then finished for the day.

Saturday 16 June 2012

tuesday 12.06.2012
today at 8am til 3pm i did carried on doin the dovetails practical assessment and then after that we went too the eshed and we carried on with the wall fame assessments with the resits
today we done the last day for the first aid 8.30 til 2pm the first aid guy taught us bout bleeding and shock,and medical emergencies.
poisons steps:
ensure own safety
dial 111
0800 poisons =7647766 -what
                                       - when
                                       -how much
if swallowed the above +read container inhaled + ventilated area.

medical emergencies:
heart attacks
severe allergies

what is it?
diabetes the body is unable to control the blood sugar level.
this may result in the blood sugar level being too high or low.
signs and systoms:
-pale,cold,sweaty skin
-the shakes
-confusion or aggression
-unconsciousness may develop
-many diabetes wear medic alert emblem bracelets or necklaces or anbelets.

first aid:
-check abcs
-place in stable side position
(recovery positionn)
-call an ambulance

Bleeding and shock:
1- dial 111
2- treat cause
3- shock position
4- reassure
5- warm

1- Hypovolemic shock
2- Cardiogenic shock
3- Nuerogenic shock
4- Anaphylactic Shock

Rest and Reassure
Expose and elevate
Direct Presssure and dress

-loss of movement
-weight bearing diff
-innatural movement
-bone protruding
-External Bleeding

-soft tissue

-ice 20 minutes to 2 hours


what we dont do for a fracture

then after that we did some work on the wall frame assessments and also the task anlysis
and me and a couple of students put on some roof frames
first we went too the eshed til 8.30am and we waited for the first aid guy too come then after he come we went too the classroom upstairs.
he gave us booklets we done the application first and we rang NZQA up too get NZQA number so the credit we get through the first aid will show up.
what we do to get in our cert:
bleeding and shock
medical emergencies
then he gave us a quick introduction on what first aid is about, first aid is when someone has collapsed or injured through a crash (accidient) that they are the person too treat them and the person who trys too save their life til the medics get to the scene. what is first aid and whats the purpose of first aid?
first aid is someone that needs to keep the person alive while paramedics are on their to the scene.
the purpose of first aid is to check palse and do cpr to keep the
he showed us how too do cpr, baby cpr, chocking techniques and also baby chocking techniques.
and the steps to do in an accidient are:
steps for cpr:
check for dangers- you
                             - casualty
                            - others
check for a response- consciousness
send for help-dial 111
                     -ask someone to call for help
keep airways clear- open
check breathing-yes for breathing,look,listen and feel. recovery position
                         - no breathing-no....cpr

steps for burns:
cool-running water for uptoo 20mins.
clear-by removing jewellery, clothing if you can.
cover-when... after its cool.
         -why... to stop microbes out, stop it from infection.
         -what... glad wrap after its cool.

steps for poisons:
possible signs of poisons:
-drowsy                   -burns around mouth               -rash
-pale skin                -fever                                       -unconscious
-seszure                   -shaky                                     -vomit
-nose bleed              - weakness                         
tools used hammer, measuring tape, carpenter pencil and combination square.
power tools used nail gun.

this morning we went to classroom and we did the timber treatments with matt and he explain the native softwoods and exotic and hardwood and imported timber treatments. and what they were used for.

hardwood vs softwood:

exotic softwood:
-pinus radiata pine
-norfolk pine
-douglas fir- orgon

native softwood:

-timber is dimensionally unstable.
-timber surfaces are erdded by uv light.
-untreated timber produces a source of nurient for mould growth.

H1.2- pink framing -treated with boron H1.2 KD Red 90x45
douglas fir-N20 - N20 uT KD 90x45 DF